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SF Cherry Blossom Festival 2016

Even with no blossoms to be found on the branches of the cherry blossom trees, I still enjoyed the festival behind my table last weekend at the Cherry Blossom Festival. Thanks to my wonderful helper who insisted on helping me against my will by keeping me hydrated, tummy full, and relieved for potty breaks, and all of my visitors who reminded me how much I should love my creations, the new and the old. I was so surprised to see so many old faces who have been faithfully stalking, er, um, following me on my social media (thanks so much for visiting and chatting and adding more of my art to your collection!) and the new faces that were just as cool, hip, and enthusiastic about my work. I got so many requests for commissions (sorry I'm currently closed) and I don't know who started it (actually, I do...ahem, Shen, ahem), but a hoard of you took the time to leave me such kind notes on my Thank You list, I nearly melted in a puddle from all the cheese.

Shen - "I LOVE YOUR ART" (Wants a Haikyuu phone case)

Bryan - "love your art" (Wants an SAO phone case)

Sebastian "I like your art" (Your Lie in April, Erased)

Aj - "thanks for the ash and Pikachu! Awesome work!"

Jannise - "Your art is so beautiful!!!" (Lapis, Stevonnie)

Elaine W. - "Your art is sooo cute" (Genos button)

Jennifer D. - "love your version of Steven universe!!! <3"

Desiree - "ALL THE FEELS!!!" (Your Lie in April)

Mengel C. - "thank youuuu your art is so clear and crisp!" (Zuko and Katara print)

Matthew T. - "Great style and thought" (Erased, Angel Beats, Your Lie in April)

Matthew fontejonvery - "informative" (Told him a great site to check for anime)

Alexis B. - "your art is so beautiful thank you!!! So cute!" (Madoka)

Juanita T - "Love your art work! See you at fanime!" (Would like a commission)

Rory - "love your cardcaptor art"

Jesse - "Your stuff is cool" (Genos and Saitama buttons)

Josie - "LOVE YOUR ARTWORK!" (Homura)

BeckyI - "love your artwork and buttons!" (Dance, draw, cosplay buttons)

Grazzia - "Ur artwork is so good! Keep up the good work :)" (Tokyo Ghoul)

David - "Your art gives gives me life! Thanks for being awesome" (Erased)

Claireso - "jealous" (Korrasami)

Olivia - "your work is so beautiful! Inspiring!" (Ash and Pikachu, Tokyo Ghoul, Clannad)

KeiI - "love your art style!!" (Clannad, Death Parade, Angel Beats)


Sophie - "THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! I wish I could draw like you."

Shaney - "Thank you so much! You're an amazing artist!" (Zutara, Makorra)

Aila - "Your art is an inspiration, it is amazing!!!!! <3" (Angel Beats)

Joey L - "Thank you so much! Your art is amazing!!!! <3 >.<" (Ash and Pikachu, Sakura tree Chi) Felix - "You are AMAZING!!! YEE!!" (Erased, Stevonnie, Ash and Pikachu)

Zach - "love the style<3" (Sakura tree)

Kiyo - "you are a great artist //hug" (Erased, Haikyuu, SAO)

Ryan - "awesome art work, very impressive, thank you!" (Sakura tree)

Roberto - "if only I wasn't broke" Kaneki BONUS: Phil: "I'm going to hang this in the conference room" (Ash and Pikachu) Gah, thanks so much for the kind words everyone! Believe it or not, all your comments mean a great deal to me. I may seem confident and cheerful, like, ALL THE TIME, and I usually am, but deep down, like everyone else, I have my share of doubts and fear too. I just choose to think and see things positively. Key word is CHOOSE. We all have the freedom to choose what we do, what we think, and how we feel. So choose. For me, I choose to be happy and I choose to love all human beings. So just be yourself, whatever you choose to be, because I will send you my love no matter what (as long as you ain't hurtin' no one). Much love, Tuyet aka Snowgem P.S. I'll be at Kraken Con this coming weekend! I'll post a map up real soon! =D

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